Markus Püschel
Markus Püschel
Sandra Schneider
Sandra Schneider
Administrative Assistant
Vedran Mihal
Vedran Mihal
PhD student
Tommaso Pegolotti
Tommaso Pegolotti
PhD student
Panagiotis Misiakos
Panagiotis Misiakos
PhD student
Emil Schätzle
Emil Schätzle
PhD student


With last employer I am aware of.


  • Bastian Seifert, ETH, 2019-2022
    Natzka SA, Switzerland

  • Hang Yu, ETH, 2020/2021
    Cascination, Switzerland

  • Tyler Smith, ETH, 2018/2019
    Neural Magic, USA

  • Marcela Zuluaga, ETH, 2011-2014

  • Christian Berger, CMU, 2009/2010
    Marvell Inc., USA

  • Yevgen Voronenko, CMU 2008/2009
    Accuray Inc., USA

  • Paolo D’Alberto, CMU, 2006/2007
    FastMMW, USA

  • Franz Franchetti, CMU, 2005/2006
    Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


  • Joao Rivera, ETH November 2023
    Sound Analysis of Floating-Point Programs
    Sonova International, Switzerland

  • Chris Wendler, ETH, December 2022
    Machine Learning on non-Euclidean domains: powersets, lattices, posets
    Postdoc, EPFL, Switzerland

  • Eliza Wszola, ETH, December 2021
    Machine Learning on Manycore CPUs
    Neural Magic, USA

  • Gagandeep Singh (with Martin Vechev), ETH, September 2020
    (ACM SIGPLAN John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award 2021)
    Scalable Automated Reasoning for Programs and Deep Learning
    Assistant Professor, UIUC, USA

  • Alen Stojanov, ETH, May 2019
    Building Abstractions for Staged DSLs in Performance-Oriented Program Generators
    Apple, Switzerland

  • François Serre, ETH, April 2019
    Optimal Streaming Permutations and Transforms: Theory and Implementation
    Swisscom, Switzerland

  • Daniele Spampinato, ETH, April 2017
    A Linear Algebra Compiler for Small Problem Sizes
    Huawei, Switzerland

  • Georg Ofenbeck, ETH, April 2017
    Generic Programming in Space and Time
    Swisscom, Switzerland

  • Victoria Caparrós Cabezas, ETH, March 2017
    A DAG-Based Approach to Modeling Bottlenecks on Modern Microarchitectures
    GSR, Spain

  • João Mota (with João Xavier and Pedro Aguiar, IST, Lisbon, Portugal), CMU, October 2013
    Communication-Efficient Algorithms For Distributed Optimization
    Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University, UK

  • Aliaksei Sandryhaila (with Jelena Kovacevic), CMU, November 2010
    Algebraic Signal Processing: Modeling and Subband Analysis

  • Srinivas Chellappa, CMU, August 2010
    Computer Generation of Fourier Transform Libraries for Distributed Memory Architectures
    Pure Storage, USA

  • Frédéric de Mesmay, CMU, May 2010
    On the Computer Generation of Adaptive Numerical Libraries
    Padoa, France

  • Yevgen Voronenko, CMU, May 2008
    (ECE/CMU best thesis award 2008)
    Library Generation for Linear Transforms
    RefleXion Medical, CA

  • Sungchul Han (with Rohit Negi), CMU, December 2007
    A Flexible Decoder and Performance Evaluation of Array-Structured LDPC Codes
    Samsung, South Korea

  • Aca Gacic (with José Moura), CMU, December 2004
    Automatic Implementation and Platform Adaptation of Discrete Filtering and Wavelet Algorithms
    DocEcho, USA


Projects in bold led to a publication.

  • Nic Dorner (with Mohamed-Hicham Leghettas): Reinforcement Learning-based Compiler Flag Optimization, ETH 2024
  • Attila Hirschi (with Tommaso Pegolotti): High Performance Quantized Inference for Large Language Models on CPU via Speculative Decoding, ETH 2024
  • Emil Schätzle (with Tommaso Pegolotti): Fast Quantized Inference for Large Language Models on GPU, ETH 2024
  • Christopher Vogelsanger (with Mohamed-Hicham Leghettas): Optimizing Multi-Head Attention Layers with Reinforcement Learning, ETH 2023
  • Berke Egeli (with Tommaso Pegolotti): Sparse Quantized Backpropagation on CPU, ETH 2023
  • Sven Gregorio (with Mohamed-Hicham Leghettas): Compiler Flag Optimization Beyond Offline Learning, ETH 2022
  • Manuel Nowack (with Chris Wendler): Compiler Flag Optimization using Fourier-sparse Set Functions, ETH 2022
  • Tierry Hömann (with Chris Wendler): Compiler Flag Optimization by Maximization of a Fourier-sparse Poset Function, ETH 2022
  • Kaiko Bonstein (with Andisheh Amrollahi): High Performance Sparse Walsh Hadamard Transform, ETH 2022
  • Karel Jílek (with Joao Rivera): Automatically Improving the Accuracy of Sound Floating-Point Computations, ETH 2021
  • Tommaso Pegolotti (with Bastian Seifert), Fast Möbius and Zeta Transforms, ETH 2021
  • Jakob Roffler (with Joao Rivera): Mixed-Precision Tuning for Sound Floating-Point Computations, ETH 2021
  • Hugo Polsinelli (with Chris Wendler): Lattice Convolutional Neural Networks, ETH 2021
  • Hleb Makarchuk (with Gagandeep Singh): Fast and precise k-ReLu, ETH 2020
  • Christoph Müller (with Gagandeep Singh and Martin Vechev): Fast Robustness Certification on a GPU, ETH 2019
  • Jonas Stulz (with Tyler Smith): Low-Precision Quantized Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for Neural Networks, ETH 2018
  • Ivaylo Toskov (with Alen Stojanov): Explicit SIMD instructions into JVM using LMS, ETH 2017
  • Nikos Kyrtatas (with Daniele Spampinato): Generating Basic Linear Algebra Computations for Embedded Processors, ETH 2014
  • Gagandeep Singh (with Martin Vechev): Fast Algorithm for Octagon Abstract Domain, ETH 2014
  • Benjamin Hess (with Thomas Gross): Locality Friendly Interface Enhancements for Numerical Functions, ETH 2013
  • Jörn Schumacher: High Performance Sparse Fast Fourier Transform, ETH 2013
  • Maksim Rubanov (with Georg Ofenbeck): Extensions of the Roofline Model, ETH 2013
  • Leo Büttiker (with Georg Ofenbeck): Rewrite Engine for Staged Expressions, ETH 2013
  • Giovanni A. Garcia (with Andreas Krause), Fast submodular function optimization, ETH 2012
  • François Serre (with Marcela Zuluaga), IP generator for matrix multiplication, ETH, 2012
  • Ruedi Steinmann (with Georg Ofenbeck), Applying the roofline model, ETH, 2012
  • Clemens Tummeltshammer (with Jelena Kovacevic, Manfred Deistler), TU Vienna 2009
  • Alex Samborskiy (with Jelena Kovacevic), CMU, 2007
  • Adam Zelinski (with James Hoe), CMU, 2003
  • Smarahara Misra (with James Hoe), CMU, 2003
  • Elijah Liu, CMU (with José Moura), CMU, 2003
  • Peter Tummeltshammer (with Andreas Steininger, Christoph Ueberhuber, James Hoe), TU Vienna, 2003


  • Nicholas Scheurenbrand (with Vedran Mihal): Porting a graph signal denoising method to DAGs, (prel.), ETH
  • Isabel Haas (with Panagiotis Misiakos): GSP Graph Learning approaches applied to DAG Learning, ETH 2023
  • Ramón Buchenberger (with Joao Rivera): Compiler integration of sound floating-point types, ETH 2023
  • Laura Nydegger (with Joao Rivera): Sound series expansion to improve the accuracy of interval arithmetic expressions, ETH 2023
  • Leo Neubecker (with Joao Rivera): Loop Transformations to Improve the Accuracy of Sound Floating-Point, ETH 2022
  • Simon Ebner (with Chris Wendler): setFTs: A package for Fourier transforms on set functions and its application to compiler flag optimization, ETH 2022
  • Stanislaw Piasecki (with Bastian Seifert and Tommaso Pegolotti): Fast Computation of Weighted Transitive Closures, ETH 2022
  • Enrico Brusoni (with Bastian Seifert and Chris Wendler): Learning Set Functions that are Sparse in Better Non-Orthogonal Fourier Bases, ETH 2022
  • Etienne Birling (with Joao Rivera): Improving the Accuracy of Interval Arithmetic Expressions, ETH 2022
  • Felipa Schwarz (with Chris Wendler): Fourier Analysis of Activations in Neural Networks, ETH 2021
  • Felix Sarnthein-Lotichius (with Chris Wendler): Jordan Chevalley Decomposition - Implementation and Numerical Analysis, ETH 2019

System Scientist

  • Volodymyr Arbatov, CMU, 2009/2010

Exchange/Visiting Students

  • Vaggelis Pipis (NTU Athens), summer fellow 2023
  • Davide Bizzaro (U. Padua), summer fellow 2022
  • Panagiotis Misiakos (NTU Athens), summer fellow 2019
  • Ehsan Mokhtarian (Sharif), summer fellow 2018
  • Afra Amini (Sharif), summer fellow 2017
  • Nicola Zago (U. Padova), 2013
  • Guillaume Sergent (ENS Lyon), 2012
  • Kush Batia (IIT New Delhi), 2012
  • Sanja Cvijic (U. Belgrad), 2008
  • Clemens Tummeltshammer (TU Vienna), 2008
  • Leonid Dzinevski (U. Ss Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia), 2007
  • Hao Shen (TU Denmark), 2006 and 2008
  • Peter Tummeltshammer (TU Vienna), 2003
  • Franz Franchetti (TU Vienna), 2001 and 2002

Undergraduate Students Supervised

Honor’s projects:

  • Yanjing Li, 2005/2006
  • Joseph Trapasso 2005/2006
  • Woon Ho Jung 2004/2005
  • Adam Zelinski 2003

Other research projects (mostly REUs): Bocong Liu, Eric Lee Turner (2009), Hye Young Han, Patra Pantupat (2007), Jonathan Gross, Paul Thurlow (2006), Joohoon Lee, Chris Wegrzyn (2005), Lei Tie, Leo Soong, Thammanit Pipatsrisawat, Peter Milder, Inpyo Hong, Ernest Chan (2004), Woon Ho Jung, Lawrence Chang, Trevor Carlsen (2003), Saumitra Das, Edward Wertz (2002), Max Khusid, David Wang (2001), Prabhav Agarwalla, Adrian Sox (2000)